President Dickey can use your help. Listed below is the new committee listing. Please volunteer to assist these members over the coming year.
Program Committee: 1. Sue Babbitt 2. Margaret Hartman 3. Sally Florence 4. Dale Carney
Newsletter Membership 1. Steve Cotton 2. George Dickey
Publicity 1. Bill Wheeler sign in the park 2. John Babbitt newspaper 3. George Dickey Posters 4. Sally Florence Posters
Memorial 1. Virginia Dickey 2. Sally Florence 3. Christine Thomas
Kitchen Refreshment Committee 1. Looking for a volunteer.
Cataloging Recording 1. Virginia Dickey 2. Kay Bancroft 3. Margaret Koch
Building 1. Don Brown 2. Tom Kittell
January 16, 2001 Meeting will be at 6:00 pm Pot luck Supper Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. HOPE TO SEE YOU THEN!!!!
"PLEASE TAKE NOTICE" The regular meeting time for all meetings and programs has been changed. All meetings will now begin at 7:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month.